The Weather Daily – Wednesday Evening, October 23rd

Hi Everyone,

A good late evening.  I’m very excited to bring you the new Weather Daily.  This new format will feature 4 videos ranging from viewing GREarth Weather Imagery to Long Range Weather Talk.  What you’ll find in these videos are some quick talking points and insight to whats going on with the weather.  Think of this as a food for thought type of weather discussion.  You can look for The Weather Daily to be produced every Sunday through Thursday Evenings.  So, grab a snack and sit back and listen on in….


Just a quick note, for the first video, you can skip to about 2 minutes in.  I talked a weeeeee bit too long, basically providing everyone where things are with my video production.  


Note: Go Full Screen for better viewing of each video. 



Weather View Talk 

Check out the latest products, including GREarth from Michael Scott Gibson by clicking here   j



Short Range Weather Talk

Next 5 Days 

Check out this great tutorial from Penn State’s Department of Meteorology website – e-Wall by clicking here



Long Range Weather Talk

Next 6 to 14 Days

 Check out these great telleconnection websites that provide further background on the following:

Check out great model website over at American Weather Forums.  Great job by Allan Huffman.  Click here to sign up.    Also, check out Penn State’s e-wall by clicking here.  



Climate Prediction Center’s

Long Range Weather Talk

Next 6 to 14 Days